My 60 Years with MedicAlert®

I remember at the time we lived in Fish Hoek in Cape Town. I was at the time ill with something or other and was given penicillin by the Doctor who in those times made house calls. I had a violent reaction to penicillin and stopped breathing. The doctor then gave me an antidote or something of that nature to counteract the penicillin shot, and then informed my parents about this new upcoming company, called MedicAlert®. If you are a member and wear a bracelet, and need medical attention, the bracelet speaks out about your medical condition and someone can phone the number for more information about you and your next of kin.

Moving forward to the 70’s, I was a teenager and it was never cool to wear items of jewellery around your neck or wrists if it was of a medical nature (sort of nerdish). At that time I wore every kind of bracelet, chain, leather or copper bracelets, the last thing I wanted to wear was a MedicAlert ID.

In saying this I was always proud to announce that I was the first member of medic alert and that if given penicillin could result in serious damage or even fatal. 

The evening of my matric dance I was involved in a motor vehicle accident and ended up unconscious at Victoria hospital. When I came around I was reprimanded by a very concerned Doctor why I was not wearing my MedicAlert disc. He then informed me that they were going to administer penicillin to me, but was stopped by a friend from collage who had accompanied me to the hospital, I had told her about my allergies and she was quick to inform them that I was allergic. Linda Sandak Lewin saved my life that day. We still chat from time to time.

I have since that night realised how lucky I was and that if I had worn my MedicAlert® Chain or Bracelet it could have spoken for me. I was lucky that I had Linda to speak for me. What if she was not around? Since then I have ensured that I wear my MedicAlert® identity at all times, as it speaks for you when you can’t and it saves your live without you knowing it.

I want to share this thought with others. MedicAlert® is the voice that speaks when you cannot; it lies dormant around your neck or on your wrist and jumps to action when the need arises. We can’t always have a Linda around in time of need, but we can have MedicAlert® sign.

I am proud to be the first member of MedicAlert® and wear my bracelet with pride.

Best regards
